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Where to begin - Worms

Greetings, and welcome my dear readers.

Firstly, I would like to set few things out. I am not a Hard Core Gamer, I am not a Geek, and also I am quite Straight.
I would like interest you in some of my favorite games (some new, some very old) but mostly, very popular and fun giving ;) I am not focusing on any specific genre, but one thing is for sure – you shouldn’t be bored – it this happen, just switch to other website…or better not ;)
Original Logo

Today, I want to tell you a short yet thrilling story about a game which has been killed by computer development, and 3D effects. Yes, apparently, fast computers, better graphics made this game worse.

I am talking about WORMS. This was great thing coming out on 1995, as “Worms”, such a great game in the field dominated by Comodore 64, Nintendo, and other 8-bit systems. (“Worms Reinforcements” – was released only for PC back then). Of course you could buy your Amiga or Atari ST system (16-bit one), by that time, but still 8-bit had vast piece of gaming market.
What I was going to say, with such limitations Team17 managed to pull off great game for everyone. Up to this point of time there was roughly 30 versions of “Worms” released. Main focus of the game remained unchanged – destroy, annihilate and blow – up enemy ASAP.

As I’ve mentioned, game was changed various times, the best version (according to my insight), was WORMS ARMAGEDDON, with the best balanced weapons and enjoyable multiplayer.
Over the years, as computers were growing, also 3D came into “Worms world” – and that was a shame, at least in the first edition called “Worms 3D”, yesss, amusing.

The creepy one - I mean what's with his hands ?

In fact, that was the worst Worms I’ve played, even the 1995 version is far more enjoyable . In 3D version steering is weird, shooting and aiming difficult and Worms (insects) looks…yyy… creepy ;). Avoid this version please.

To sum it up, I can assure you that if you grab any Worms game avoiding these from 2003 – Worms 3D, 2004 - Worms Forts: Under Siege and 2005 - Worms 4: Mayhem, you will be pleased.

Nothing else will relax you more than Concrete Donkey falling on heads of your enemies in the morning ;)

Worms W.M.C.

But, talking about Donkey, here is another picture :

Monty Python  - the foot
I would recon, that this foot from Monty Python's Flying Circus, was progenitor of famous Worms Concrete Donkey.

Thank you dear Team17 for this addition, as well as for Holy Hand Grenade - pictured for the first time in Monty Python - the Holy Grail movie

Yes, the special weapons of mass destruction made Worms Armageddon the best version of all Worms releases (even Team17 was coming back to this success, in latest versions).



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