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Adventures of Robbo - Robbo - L.K. Avalon


Today I would like you to take a glimpse into 8-bit gaming, short glimpse, maybe.

If you are 8-bit enthusiast, you wold probably know game called Boulder Dash, yeah I've spend hours playing on my Atari 800XL (and I ws always waiting over 10 min. to be able to play - due to time needed for loading from cassettes ;)).
cassette player Atari XC12

So as you probably remember (if not have a look on Boulder Dash and here - that's great fan page), in that game you had to dash so not to be killed by boulder, and the physics did majority in that game.
Rockford in action ;)

In Adventures of Robbo, L.K. Avalon get rid of the physics, instead you had to steer with robot, yes back in 1989, 8-bit era was blooming (and the robots were the future - just before FUTURAMA, corrected the unspoiled vision of robot ;)). Everyone wanted to take a bite of cake, but as you know not everyone managed ;)
Lot of games were released. many programists were working all over the world, as so they did in Poland. In 1989 L.K. Avalon was created - company founded in Rzeszów - city in eastern part of Poland.
L.K. Avalon was pionnering in the market of game producers in Poland. They were working hard, and had great people on board. They had released at least 16 games for 8-bit platform and beleive me or not - most of them were just awesome.

Just to remind FRED (great platform game)

Now, you can enjoy Fred on your IOS

or A.D.2044 (point and click , much like the 7th Guest).

have a look here 
At that time everyone was fascinated with Boulder Dash (released in 1984), and so was people from L.K. Avalon. Somehow they took gread part of idea shown in that game and combined it with game called - SOKOBAN.
Adventures of Robbo were much more sophisticated. They were giving great gameplay, actually in Poland it was sait, that this game (ROBBO - the orginal one) was the best 8-bit game released for the Polish market.
the picture of an cassette cover 

L.K. Avalon did great thig together with Epic MegaGames, just releasing this game on MS-DOS computers for North American market - where again it has been great success.

When it comes to hero itself - he had to pass troug 56 planets in orginal version of the game (for Atari), you had to steer ROBBO to avoid obstacles, move things around and gather up screws laying around to get into capsule and reach next level.
How simple is that ? - but adding lasers, monsters, magnets (but not "together" Monster Magnets ;) - great song anyway) a variety of keys locks etc. makes great difference.

This game is enjoyable to play even after such a long period of time.

screenshot from gameplay - yes ROBBO is the Grey guy ;)

If you are not purist, and you do not have Atari 400 or 800 In Da Hood - you can  try Android version called Robboid, but for me it is just not right ;)

and here is short movie:

bye, bye,



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