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Adventures of Robbo - Robbo - L.K. Avalon

Hello, Today I would like you to take a glimpse into 8-bit gaming, short glimpse, maybe. If you are 8-bit enthusiast, you wold probably know game called Boulder Dash, yeah I've spend hours playing on my Atari 800XL (and I ws always waiting over 10 min. to be able to play - due to time needed for loading from cassettes ;)). cassette player Atari XC12 So as you probably remember (if not have a look on Boulder Dash   and here - that's great fan page ), in that game you had to dash so not to be killed by boulder, and the physics did majority in that game. Rockford in action ;) In Adventures of Robbo , L.K. Avalon get rid of the physics, instead you had to steer with robot , yes back in 1989, 8-bit era was blooming (and the robots were the future - just before FUTURAMA , corrected the unspoiled vision of robot ;)). Everyone wanted to take a bite of cake, but as you know not everyone managed ;) Lot of games were released. many programists were working all over the wo
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Tetris - Тетрис - Brick Game

Hey,  today's story will be simple as it is - t e t r i s. Yes, we know, a puzzle game from 90'...booooring, some say ;) Tetris - Тетрис - Brick Game This game emerged on 1984, it was created on old computer named Elektronika 60 (the text was used to form blocks) . Here you can see how it would look like to play on ZSRR terminal computer: Электроника 60 Mr Aleksiej Pażytnow with colleagues Dimitrij Pawłowski and Wadim Geriasimow, were basing on old logic game called Pentomino. The idea is to use falling blocks to build up a puzzle, and not to fail while game is speeding up, and the variations of blocks are causing difficulties in forming even ground. You can use a prediction, in window aside, there is shown one piece in advance. I remember this game to be released on almost any platform capable to display falling, or moving blocks (and that is not so obvious for very old machines;)) I used to play it on Atari 800XL , furious

Where to begin - Worms

Greetings, and welcome my dear readers. Firstly, I would like to set few things out. I am not a Hard Core Gamer, I am not a Geek, and also I am quite Straight. I would like interest you in some of my favorite games (some new, some very old) but mostly, very popular and fun giving ;) I am not focusing on any specific genre, but one thing is for sure – you shouldn’t be bored – it this happen, just switch to other website…or better not ;) Original Logo Today, I want to tell you a short yet thrilling story about a game which has been killed by computer development, and 3D effects. Yes, apparently, fast computers, better graphics made this game worse. I am talking about WORMS . This was great thing coming out on 1995, as “Worms”, such a great game in the field dominated by Comodore 64, Nintendo, and other 8-bit systems. (“Worms Reinforcements” – was released only for PC back then). Of course you could buy your Amiga or Atari ST system (16-bit one), by that time, but